One-to-One Coaching
I help curious & creative people who identify as neurodivergent or queer or QTIBIPOC... to be at peace within yourself and in the world, so you can co-create collective magic, speak your needs, and live audaciously.
My one-to-one sessions are soft, courageous + playful spaces for you to re-imagine your life, love your mind, transform your relationships, attune to your purpose, step into community, and make your wildest dreams happen.
The magic of neurodivergence is that we see things differently.
I’ll help you to:
- stop judging yourself for all the ways you need help, and let yourself move towards people & places where you feel joy, so you feel safe to show up, settle in, stay & play
- stop comparing your current capacity to how you used to be able to do things, and move forwards from here with radical softness & compassion
- hold the realities of your lived and living experiences of marginalisation, while also aligning with spaces and practices that feel like freedom.
- stop trying to make sense of how confusing the world can feel, and start making a home for peace within yourself, so you can make the difference you dream of making
inhabit your body in a new way, helping you to feel and sense with curiosity, so you can move beyond mental insight and embody your values in the world
create more than you consume, so you can stay in flow and divert your precious energy towards what's really important to you
- move beyond individualism and find the communities and collective practices that feel aligned with your values and your optimistic hopes for the world
- stop doubting what you have to offer, and start to tune out the noise of what's "socially acceptable", so you can speak up, trust your intuition, let yourself move, and feel at home in your neurodivergence, your queerness, your body
- feel deeply connected to your purpose & values, and start truly owning the magic of who you are, so you can co-create the audacious world you dream about, and become the ancestor you want to be
We'll co-create a space where our spirits and minds can dance, play, and generate action, ideas & momentum together. You will feel deeply seen, understood and celebrated in a way you didn’t think was possible.
I believe deeply in social equity, abundantly sharing resources, and mutual trust.
My pricing structure reflects this.
I offer a sliding scale based on your circumstances.
I trust you to offer what you can afford (you won't need to show any documentation). Each session lasts 1 hour. Payment is due the day before each session takes place. Choose the session frequency that suits you (weekly / fortnightly / 3-weekly / monthly).
Price per coaching session:
The true price of a session is £110. To make coaching more accessible to people with a broad range of lived experiences, I offer a sliding scale. You can choose to pay any price between £65 and £145 that feels aligned for you. If we're coaching together long-term, you can choose the price that feels aligned for each session, according to your circumstances.
How I Coach
1. We’ll have a free 20 minute Connection Call (my timezone is GMT)
I'll get an idea of where you are in your journey, what you'd hope for from coaching, and we'll check whether it's a good fit for what you need right now. We'll talk about what works for you, and explore whether you have any somatic or spirit-led practices you'd like to incorporate into our sessions. If the energy feels good and it's a Yes for both of us, we'll set the date for your first session!
2. You'll receive your Coaching Agreement
Clear and straightforward, so you know exactly what to expect from our time together.
3. We’ll set up payment
For a single session, I’ll send you a payment link to pay at the time of booking. For long-term coaching, you can either pay in advance or set up a Direct Debit.
4. During each session:
The content of each session is different depending on what you want to explore... but I will always show up for you in the same way. I'll:
- listen, ask curious questions and reflect your words back to you
- ask your permission to make observations about patterns I've noticed
- include any somatic or spirit-led practices that we've agreed upon in our Connection Call
5. After each session:
I'll follow up with any resources, practices or journal prompts you've requested. If we're working together long-term, I'll check-in with you by email between sessions.
I'll support you to tune into exactly what you need, to feel at peace, to build a support network of beautiful humans who care deeply about the world, to believe in your purpose, and to be visible exactly as you are, so that you can be the ancestor you want to be.