One-to-One Coaching

I help curious & tender-hearted people who identify as neurodivergent or queer or QTIBIPOC, to sense into how you really feel in a moment, so you can speak your needs, co-create collective magic, and live audaciously.

I offer soft, courageous + playful spaces, for you to love and feel gratitude for your body/mind, embody your values, re-imagine your life, transform your relationships, step into aligned community, and become the ancestor you want to be.


The Short & Sweet Version
  • Each session lasts 1 hour, and is on Zoom.
  • My timezone is GMT.
  • I offer one-to-one coaching to adults over 18, living in the UK and EU.
  • You can choose to have sessions weekly, fortnightly, 3-weekly, or monthly. I do not offer one-off sessions unless we have previously worked together. I prefer to work with people for a minimum of 3 months. 
  • Payment is on a sliding scale.
  • I especially love working with people who hold space for others (facilitators, bodyworkers, teachers), with creative people who give community offerings, and with those whose movements and personal explorations in the world are oriented towards liberation and repair for all of us.
  • I am currently taking on a small amount of new one-to-one coaching clients. If you are interested in coaching for now or for the future and would like to begin a conversation, please send me an email or book a Connection Call.



Everyday Writes queer BIPOC somatic life coaching
Everyday Writes one to one somatic life coaching
Everyday Writes BIPOC neurodivergent queer somatic coaching

In one-to-one coaching, we’ll co-create a space where our spirits and bodyminds can dance, feel, play, and generate insight & ideas together.

You will feel deeply seen, understood and celebrated in a way you didn’t think was possible.


In practical terms, this might look like learning to:
  • re-calibrate your relationship to play, routine, ritual, rest & pleasure 
  • stop judging yourself for all the ways you need help, and let yourself move towards people & places where you feel joy, so you feel safe to show up, settle in, stay & play
  • stop comparing your current capacity to how you used to be able to do things, and move forwards from here with radical softness & compassion
  • become fluent in the language and expression of embodied self-awareness, so you can inhabit your body in a new way, feel and sense with curiosity, move beyond mental insight and embody your values in the world
  • tune out the noise of what's "socially acceptable", so you can speak up, trust your intuition, let yourself move, and feel at home in your neurodivergence, your queerness, your body
  • feel deeply connected to your purpose & values, and start truly owning the magic of who you are, so you can co-create the audacious world you dream about, and become the ancestor you want to be


We might spend time sensing into your questions such as:
  • How can I feel more at home in my body, and how does this relate to the world I am seeking to repair and co-create?
  • How can I deepen my sense of support – from ancestors, from nature, from those around me – and recognise portals to connection when they emerge?
  • How do I bring together the unique magic of my lineages and experience, so that I understand my life-force and purpose beyond what I think I should be doing?
  • How can I hold the realties of my lived and living experiences of marginalisation, while also aligning with spaces that feel like freedom?
  • How can I better know my edges, so that I can be in choice about whether to stay or leave?
  • What does restoration, agency, connection, community, care and nourishment look and feel like within the environment I’m in versus the environment I yearn for, and how do I bridge that gap?


We have a life-force drive towards connection, delight and curiosity. Much of this work is about remembering that we are already free, and fathoming what our individual work is, so that we can create collective momentum towards this remembering.




What would you be doing if you were living audaciously? Book your free Connection Call



What to expect during a session

During sessions, we will dance between conceptual self awareness (processing logically through our thoughts, and making meaning with words) and embodied self awareness (using our senses to feel from within our bodies, connect to felt sense signals, and allow insight and shifts to emerge).

Much of the time, we will talk or be in silence, as in any conversation. Throughout a session, I will reflect your words back to you, pull out certain phrases, and ask curious questions. Some sessions may be spent completely in this way, and may stay within conceptual self awareness.

When it is welcome, you may want to explore sensations within your body. Any invitations from me for you to explore through embodied self awareness will be exactly that: invitations or offerings of practice or processes that you can choose to say yes or no to within each session.

My approach is non-directive. We will always move at the pace of your embodied yes or no or maybe, with spaciousness to sense into that. There is no expectation that just because we tried a practice in a previous session, it would also be welcome in this session.


Every session is unique.



You may arrive into some sessions with an issue that you want to explore. Other times, you may have nothing specific and just want to see what comes up.

Each session will be unique, arising from whatever is alive for you within our space during that time. There is no expectation of outcome or of “getting to a certain point” by the end of the session. Together, we trust that, when we seek to stay in partnership throughout the session and connected in the moment, what wants to emerge will emerge.

Sometimes that might look like a “lightbulb moment” of a fresh perspective, and other times you may get the sense that nothing much has happened. Both and everything in between are welcome.

We partner together to ensure that you leave each session feeling resourced.


Some of the somatic processes that may be invited during a session:

Orienting, Embodied Visioning, Body scan, Focusing, PIE sensory scan (Proprioception, Interoception, Exteroception), somatic boundary explorations, Centering.



Everything is always an invitation. 



Images of nature - moss, purple flowers, dewdrops on leaves, and a person writing

Our identities within the space

By entering into this space, we are co-creating a multi-racial relationship. I am committed to naming and working with my racialised identity as a mixed-race person of English, Sudanese, Scottish, and Syrian heritage (along with ancestry that I do not know). I recently learned that some of my ancestors were members of a notorious clan that raided the Scottish/English borderlands – there’s undoubtedly some somatic trauma within that sentence.

In the same way, if you are a white-bodied person and you choose me as your coach, it's important that you are able to name and work with your whiteness as a cultural and racialised identity which informs how you show up in the world.

At times during sessions, these identities may ask to be explored or named, and it’s important that we are each engaged in anti-racist inquiry outside of our partnership, to understand our conditioned tendencies and our edges, so we can tend to what’s present as it emerges in a session.

When we gather in session, we each bring our lineage (ancestral, spiritual, beliefs, learnings), including perhaps lineages of racial harm. Our lineages, our embodied memories, our collective survival shapes -  both known and unknown, supportive and confrontational - are already present in the room.


By naming something, we can feel into it.

By feeling into it, we can generate curiosity.

By generating curiosity, we can create choice.

By creating choice, we can embody something more intentional as we move in the world.

Four squares of moss and plants

We'll focus on the present moment

Everyday Writes coaching celebrates and validates your lived experience: your ethnicity, queerness, disability, neurodivergence, LGBTQIA+ experiences
Everyday Writes life coaching is deeply personal and no two sessions are the same
Everyday Writes life coaching is trauma-informed
Everyday Writes life coaching is co-created through curiosity, collaboration and openness
Everyday Writes life coaching is nourishing and we'll build trust from our first Connection Call.
Everyday Writes life coaching is based in Scotland. Sessions are held online on Zoom and last 1 hour.


Everyday Writes Pricing Sliding Scale Graphic


I believe deeply in social equity, abundantly sharing resources, and mutual trust. 

My pricing structure reflects the culture I'm trying to build, and allows people from a diverse range of lived experiences to access embodied transformation coaching: 


  • I offer a sliding scale based on your socio-economic circumstances.
  • I trust you to offer what you can afford (you won't need to show any documentation). 
  • Payment is due the day before each session
  • The true price of a session is £110. Please pay this if you can.
  • For each session, you can choose to pay any price between £65 and £145.
  • For clients who benefit from relative racial ease and/or generational wealth, I invite a practice of "gifting it forward" where possible, as an embodied practice of care & reparation towards BIPOC members.
  • By choosing to pay any amount above £110, you are gifting it forward.


Learn more about Pricing and Reciprocity here.


Ready to connect? Book your free connection call!


Laptop showing Nadia holding cup of coffee with client notes nearby. Text reads, "What to expect, from your Connection Call to your coaching session"


1. You'll book your free 20 minute Connection Call (my timezone is GMT)

Head over to Calendly to book your call. You'll find some questions there. Your answers will support us both to:

  • begin to get a sense of what's alive for you and why you're keen to explore working together
  • cover some of the background info, so we can arrive into the call with a shared understanding of context, and use our time to get right into the space of imagination and visioning
  • model what we'll explore in coaching: openness, generosity, curiosity, partnership, and trust!

Access note: If completing the Calendly form feels inaccessible to you, you are welcome to record a voice note or video answering the questions, and email it to me instead, and we can book in your call via email. Click here for the booking questions as a Word document.


2. We'll have our Connection Call on Zoom

I'll get an idea of where you are in your journey, what you'd hope for from coaching, and we'll check whether it's a good fit for what you need right now. We'll talk about what works for you, and explore whether you have any somatic or spirit-led practices you'd like to incorporate into our sessions. If the energy feels good and it's a Yes for both of us, we'll set the date for your first session! And if it feels like a No, I may be able to suggest other coaches who might be a good fit, or direct you to other resources.

2. You'll receive your Coaching Agreement and Welcome Resources

Clear and straightforward, so you know exactly what to expect from our time together. Read the agreement, ask any questions, and sign and return it via email.

3. You'll book in your session via Calendly

Each session lasts 1 hour (GMT) and takes place on Zoom.

4. I'll set up payment

Once you've booked, I'll send you a payment link. Payment is due the day before your session.

5. During each session

No two sessions are the same, but I'll always show up for you in the same way.

  • I will listen, ask curious questions and reflect your words back to you
  • I may make invitations into embodied self-awareness
  • I will be non-directive
  • I'll bring my calm, playful energy and meet you in whatever capacity and energy you bring to the session



Beliefs I've helped people feel into, combined with images of nature
images of nature combined with text beliefs in quotes
boxes with nature images and beliefs in quotes


I'll support you to tune into exactly what you need, to feel at home, to build a support network of beautiful humans who care deeply about the world, to believe in your purpose...

and to stay rooted into the collective soil, so that you can be the ancestor you want to be.



"What people are saying" about Everyday Writes life coaching
Everyday Writes Testimonial: "You create such an unbelievably safe space... I knew no matter what unfolded in the conversations, I had your love and compassion there just holding that space for me."
testimonial reads "my life has totally changed in the past 8 months. dia creates a space of pure possibility."
Everyday Writes Testimonial: “What you offer feels like the most value of anything I’ve ever signed up for in my whole life.”
Everyday Writes Testimonial: "Thank you for asking really good questions. You were able to craft the sessions to give me such a potent experience that I had no choice but to go on and carry out what we'd been talking about."

Close-up photo of a monstera leaf. Text reads “In a society that tells you what to want and what to value, dia’s openness and honouring of uniqueness, difference and personal truth is a much needed light."
"I think dia is an utter dream of a coach, the person I want in my corner... fair, brave, enthusiastic, loving, committed, caring and dedicated." with an image of dia on the right, wering a grey jumper and smiling widely

"You don't have to go it alone anymore"


Text reads book your connection call or send me an email and let's get your date in the diary. Image on right is of dia, standing by window wearing a cream shirt