About Coaching

Coaching is not the same as therapy, and coaching would not be suitable for you if you're looking to access therapeutic services or counselling.
In a nutshell
"Coaching is partnering in a co-creative process of enquiry in service to the potential which is seeking to emerge in the life of the client." - The Somatic School
Coaching is a partnership, co-created by the coach (me) and the coachee (you). It's rooted in the belief that each of us is already resourceful, creative and whole. It's a process of listening, sensing and feeling without judgement (within and between each other and ourselves), reflecting, asking curious questions, and holding space to unearth and connect to the possibilities that already lie within you, so that you can notice insight and embody transformation.
Coaching is not advice-giving.
It is rooted in what is present and emerging in the moment, with a forward focus towards integrating these new learnings for your future.
We have a life-force drive towards connection, delight and curiosity. Much of this work is about remembering that we are already free, and fathoming what our individual work is, so that we can create collective momentum towards this remembering.
What's my approach?
I specialise in one-to-one embodied transformation coaching for individuals whose experiences sit outside of the mainstream, holding space for the unique ways we each move in the world, whether in your neurodivergence, your queerness, your ethnicity, your experiences, your trauma history, your disability... because that's my life experience, too.
I don't make assumptions and will always seek to validate and celebrate your lived experience.
And my coaching approach is focused on creating positive action and social good with the aim of transforming the world we live in. Specifically, I support you to move towards and create the kind of relationships and community you need and want, rather than feeling isolated as an individual. I bring a lifetime's passion for and experience in social justice, equity and the celebration of difference into my approach to coaching.
I celebrate my neurodivergence for my capacity to combine approaches and skills, in the same way that my identity is rooted in multiplicity and intersectionality. My love of diversity is evident in the way my coaching practice continues to evolve alongside my professional learning and my personal somatics practice.
That is, I live this stuff and I believe deeply in its value for personal and collective transformation.
I initially trained as a transformational life coach, and am now completing training as a body-oriented coach. I bring skills in both conceptual self-awareness (processing logically through our thoughts, and making meaning with words) and embodied self-awareness (using our senses to feel from within our bodies and connect to felt sense signals, and allow insight and shifts to emerge) to my practice.
What to expect during a session
Sessions are all about play, invitation & experimentation.
During sessions, we may dance between conceptual self awareness (processing logically through our thoughts, and making meaning with words) and embodied self awareness (using our senses to feel from within our bodies and connect to felt sense signals, and allow insight and shifts to emerge).
Much of the time, we will talk or be in silence, as in any conversation. Throughout a session, I will reflect your words back to you, pull out certain phrases, and ask curious questions. Some sessions may be spent completely in this way, and may stay within conceptual self awareness.
When it is welcome, you may want to explore sensations within your body. Any invitations from me for you to explore through embodied self awareness will be exactly that: invitations or offerings of practice or processes that you can choose to say yes or no or maybe to within each session.
My approach is non-directive. We will always move at the pace of your embodied yes or no or maybe, with spaciousness to sense into that. There is no expectation that just because we tried a practice in a previous session, it would also be welcome in this session.
You may arrive into some sessions with an issue that you want to explore. Other times, you may have nothing specific and just want to see what comes up.
Each session will be unique, arising from whatever is alive for you within our space during that time. There is no expectation of outcome or of “getting to a certain point” by the end of the session. Together, we trust that, when we seek to stay in partnership throughout the session and connected in the moment, what wants to emerge will emerge.
Sometimes that might look like a “lightbulb moment” of a fresh perspective, and other times you may get the sense that nothing much has happened. Both and everything in between are welcome.
We partner together to ensure that you leave each session feeling resourced.
Some of the somatic processes that may be invited during a session:
Orienting, Embodied Visioning, Body scan, Focusing, PIE sensory scan (Proprioception, Interoception, Exteroception), somatic boundary explorations, Centering.
Everything is always an invitation.
Coaching, Therapy and other Complementary Approaches
Coaching and therapy offer something different for your life. Many of my clients coach with me and also access a psychotherapist. In my own life, I find that therapy supports me to dive deep into the past to understand how experience and trauma affect my present behaviours. I also receive regular somatic coaching, which supports me to retain a sense of optimism and generate positive insight in the now and for the future. In my own life, I also spend time with other somatic approaches that are complementary to coaching, such as Coaching Supervision, Qigong, EFT, and Clinical Somatics.
If you are working with a therapist or have somatic or therapeutic practices that are part of your life, we will explore these in our Connection Call. I will partner with you to seek that our coaching sessions are complementary to those approaches and that the different practices are mutually enhancing.
What are the roles, expectations, and responsibilities of the coach and the person being coached?
Transparency and openness is really important to me - I want your experience of working with me to be really positive and based on trust and clarity. Before our first session, you'll receive a coaching agreement which explains what you can expect from our time together. Here's a little of what it says:
"The client is solely responsible for creating and implementing their own physical, mental and emotional well-being, decisions, choices, actions and results arising from the coaching relationship and their coaching calls and interactions with the coach. The role of the coach is to support you on this journey towards the positive change you want to create."
During our first session together, we will co-create a short document called our "Alliance", which will be an agreement between us for our time together about how you want to be, how you want me to be, and how we want us to be as a partnership. We will revisit this Alliance document at the start of each session, and either opt in or amend it.
Confidentiality and ethics are an important part of my role as a coach. You can read more about this here:
Can I read some testimonials from people who've been coached by you?
Check out my homepage - near the bottom you'll find some testimonials written by people who've experienced Everyday Writes coaching, which should give you an idea of what to expect. I can also answer any questions you might have by email - just check out the Contact page.
Professional Qualifications
Qualified Transformational Coach, Dr Sarah Madigan's Spectacular School
Accredited Diploma in Body-oriented Coaching, The Somatic School - currently training on this diploma and hope to achieve ICF Level 2 (Professional Certified Coach) accreditation in late 2025
Trauma-Informed Coaching, Susana Rinderle
Self-Guided Embodiment Basics, The Embodiment Institute
MSc Creative Writing
BSc International Development
Current Community Memberships and Practice Grounds
The Practice Ground by The Embodiment Institute
My ongoing professional interest lies in:
embodied/somatic approaches to healing trauma and collective transformation
the overlap of simple living, custodianship of our earth, generational healing and collective wellbeing
practices that both support you as an individual and enable you to feel held in community.
You can find more about the books I've written, the podcasts I've featured on, the events I've participated in, and the ways I show up in the world here.